Your Questions Create Change

At Episource, we’re all about solving problems — in risk adjustment and in the world at large. Share your risk adjustment challenges and we’ll try to address them during our RISE National presentation. To thank you for your participation, we’ll also make a $10 donation to one of three organizations that are striving to change the world: the American Cancer Society, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, or Girls Who Code. 

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Share Your Challenge
Submit a question to support a worthy charity

Your Engagement Makes a Difference

Your participation is powerful. Join us at RISE National and transform every interaction into a force for good. Whether it's before, during, or after our event, your involvement will trigger a donation to a charity you select: the American Cancer Society, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, or Girls Who Code. By engaging with us, you're not just building connections; you're driving significant change. Discover the ways you can get involved and create a positive impact.

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